In both the classroom and the community in general, Hurtwood offers a unique preparation for life after school – a real stepping-stone between school and university. Life at Hurtwood is close to that of a university campus. While always under the pastoral care of the Housemaster and staff, students earn and are granted respect and freedom of choice. Hurtwood treats students as responsible adults, and responsible adults they prove to be.
Hurtwood School is located in Surrey and was founded by Richard Jackson in 1970. The school is dedicated to providing students with a professional A Level course, which features a combination of arts disciplines and basic subject education to prepare students for entry into university and future life.
In addition to excellent academic performance, another typical feature of the school is art education. As a first-class performance and artistic creation centre, the school not only provides special A Level courses in performing, singing, drawing, fashion design and film production, but also provides students with the opportunity to perform professionally on various occasions.