Stowe School

Stowe School

Boarding School

Buckinghamshire, UK

Stowe School

Type of School: Private Co-educational Boarding School

Available Courses: Year 9/GCSE/A Level

Admission Age: 13-17

Number of Students: 800

Accommodation: Boarding

Year Established: 1923


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Intellectual and academic enquiry lie at the heart of a Stowe education and students are encouraged to excel in sport, art, drama and music. Each boy and girl is treated as an individual in the firm belief that he or she has the potential for excellence.

Through teaching of the highest calibre, Stoics are encouraged to think for themselves, challenge conventional orthodoxies and pursue their own enthusiasms. The majority of Stoics secure places at the most competitive Russell Group and Ivy League universities. This passion for bringing out the unique talents in each pupil lies at the heart of our educational philosophy, allowing Stoics to acquire the skills that enable them to live happily, work successfully and thrive in their future lives.

Key Facts:

  • The school’s cricket ground is used as a first class ground by Northamptonshire CCC
  • The Stowe corner of Silverstone circuit is named after the school
  • Notable Alumni: Henry Cavill – actor who portrayed Superman, Chelsea Davy – former girlfriend of Prince Harry