What is homestay?
Homestay is a cultural exchange between a local individual/family (known as host) and an international student. The international student lives for an agreed time as a guest in the host’s home. The benefits of homestay for the student are a comfortable home environment, family atmosphere, a chance to learn more about the culture they are living in and to practice their English
What are the responsibilities of being a host?
The main responsibility of being a host is to provide a safe, welcoming and nurturing environment for the student and to treat them as part of the family
What are the benefits of hosting
Hosting provides a change to broaden your experience, build lifelong relationships with students from different cultures, help young people achieve an international education and to give back to the global community
Who are the students
Students are mainly from China and have been recruited through our strong global network of admissions counsellors
Will the students speak English?
The students have varying levels of English proficiency but one of the main aims of homestay is to help develop their English
Will I get paid?
Yes. Hosts will be paid monthly
Can single parents apply?
Yes, anyone can become a host as long as they meet the requirements and background checks conducted by Gateway
Can I host more than one student?
Yes, as long as you have the required space to do so. A maximum of 3 students per host is allowed
How do I apply?
Click here to complete the host application form or if you would like further information, contact us today
Does each member of the family need a background check?
All family members aged 16 and over will need the required security check
Does Gateway provide support and training?
Yes, Gateway will provide training through different mediums and will be on hand to provide support 24/7
How long do I need to be a host for?
This is entirely up to you, you can host for a whole year or a few weeks
What food should be provided to the student?
The student should be provided a balanced diet that is typical to the area in which you are hosting
Am I the Students Guardian?
No – each student is appointed a Student Liaison Officer (Guardian) who acts in loco parentis for the student. Essentially Gateway is their guardian for however long they stay in the programme
Will I be asked to host at short notice?
There may be times where we will enquire as to whether a host can accommodate a student at short notice, however, we do understand that not everyone is available at certain times and we would understand if the host is not able to help on that occasion
How old will the students be?
Gateway accepts students aged between 11-18